functioning Liver means & lean body reduced Belly fat

WHAT MAKES THE LIVER ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ORGANS IN OUR BODIES The liver, a remarkable organ positioned in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, plays a vital role in the intricate web of metabolic processes that govern our bodies, Its multifaceted functions extend far beyond its reputation as a detoxifier. It influences everything from energy production to the storage & utilization of nutrients. It also has a profound impact on metabolism & … Continue reading functioning Liver means & lean body reduced Belly fat

Twin Flame Journey

Who are Twin Flames? This is a post I wrote back in September but for some reason, I didn't post it until now. I just felt with everything that's going on in the world at this present time it's going to cause a lot of people to have Tower moments in their lives. These tower moments can cause some people to have a spiritual awakening which in turn can lead you to have an encounter … Continue reading Twin Flame Journey

Collagen “The Anti-aging protein”

What is Collagen? Collagen is a strong protein naturally produced by your body. It's synthesized mainly from two amino acids (glycine & proline). Its the major component of connective tissue as well as your hair, skin, nail, and joints. It is the most abundant protein in the body and makes up approximately 33% of the total protein in our body. Basically, Collagen is your body's basic building blocks necessary for the creation of skin, muscle, … Continue reading Collagen “The Anti-aging protein”

Why We Need Vitamin B12?

What is Vitamin B12? Vitamin B12 also known as Cobalamin, is a water-soluble Vitamin that is involved in the metabolism of every cell of the human body. B12 cannot be manufactured by humans, we need to source our supply from animal proteins or fortified food products. It is a co-factor in DNA synthesis and in both fatty acid & amino acid metabolism. It is particularly important in the normal functioning of the Nervous system, energy … Continue reading Why We Need Vitamin B12?

The Law of Attraction

"WHAT IS THE LAW OF ATTRACTION? The Law of Attraction or LOA points to a universal mechanism that cannot be escaped by any of us..hence the word "LAW". The LOA can be understood by understanding that 'like attracts like'. A key part of the LOA is understanding that where you place your focus can have an intense impact on what happens to you. If you spend your days wallowing in regrets about the past or … Continue reading The Law of Attraction